Legislative Instrument – IMMI 16/097 – F2016L01778 – Migration Regulations 1994 – Specification of Areas of Work and Kinds of Work – Specified Subclass 462 Work, specifies the kinds of work and the areas in Australia that provide eligibility to apply for a second Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) visa.
Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa holders who undertake three months (88 days) work in the tourism, hospitality or agriculture industries in Northern Australia will acquire eligibility for a second Work and Holiday visa. The locations and types of work arise from the recommendations of the Developing Northern Australia White Paper.
This Instrument contains three Schedules:
- Schedule 1 – specifies the location for this work, these include all of the Northern Territory and specified locations in Queensland and Western Australia
- Schedule 2 – specifies the tourism and hospitality industry and 48 ANZSCO occupations and relevant types of work in those industries
- Schedule 3 – specifies the agriculture industry and types of work in that industry
This Instrument commenced on 19 November 2016.
Extract from MIA