Full-time Administration -Graduate Entry

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A vacancy at Renu & Associates Asia Pty Ltd -Nepal:

We are currently seeking a technology-savvy and organised individual. This position would be suited to a well presented individual with extremely strong organisational and attention to detail abilities. It is essential that the successful candidate display a friendly disposition as well as have an understanding of the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel and PowerPoint).
Surya Nath Adhikari
Business Manager -South Asia
Tel: 977 01 4105080, 4993068
Mobile: 9851172542
E-mail: suryanathadhikari1969@gmail.com
Viber: + 977 9851172542
Skype: surya.nath.adhikari
Twitter: @adhikarisurya

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Renu is a Migration Law Consultant And Registered Migration Agent in Australia -MARN 1172407. She holds Master of Migration Law & Practice (Australia) and The Bachelor of Laws (UK). Website: http://renumigrationservices.com. Renu is a Skilled Migration Expert. She has a dedicated team of professionals who can source your labour requirement from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Middle East and UK.